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Our organizing definition—mirroring a British Community Interest Company (CIC)—provides Open4Definition the flexibility to offer services unavailable elsewhere.

These services include unparalleled insight and real world feedback on behavioral definitions from ongoing all-volunteer Open4Definition Examiner and Implementation Teams.

Our Philosophy

Open4Definition's philosophy is quite simple. We are passionate about the application of behavioral definitions. Everything we do centers on helping participants, clients and others unleash the power of behavioral definitions to cue significant social, business and individual change.

What We Offer

Speaker Services and Presentations

    Behavioral definitions provide a rare and illuminating experience for an audience or organization.

    Each speaking engagement is a custom one. We use an in-depth, researched body of work from those who intuitively preceded us. These seemingly ordinary men and women tapped the power of language to help others push improvement and guide behavior; particularly when change was hard. We've integrated their lessons learned into more than two hundred tagged and sortable stories to create a new way of thinking and looking; then doing to better match an audience's specific objectives.

    Keynote Speeches and Presentations:

    • Rewire Leadership | Spark Action "As One"

      Use a behavioral definition(s) to help create a common footing, purpose, and action As One throughout an organization. Takeaways are story-rich and include a custom report and a book by Deloitte Global.

    • Truth and Consequences: The Sway of Behavioral Definitions in a Specific Field or Organization

      Findings will be shared in an innovative presentation covering an audience-specific or ongoing client effort.

    • Implications of Behavioral Definitions on Markets and the Future

      Get a glimpse of the world from a different perspective—behavioral definitions and their impact on markets (plus find out how they cue future wellbeing).

    • Obvious Yet Elusive: Habits, Definitions, Productivity and Quality

      Learn how to consciously and systematically improve behavioral definitions that influence audience members' professional and personal lives.

    • Unleashing the Power of Behavioral Definitions Inside a Corporate Office

      Discover how to identify not-so-obvious opportunities for improving the impact of behavioral definitions and the resulting work performance of staff and support service organizations.

    Keynotes will be presented by B. Helton, Guiding Principal, Open4Definition.

On Site Training

  • DefinACTion Onsite Training

    Training customized to a client's circumstances; by design and with clear objectives, deliverables and outcomes focused squarely on capitalizing on the latent power of behavioral definitions like Open Source, Goggle's 20 percent time or Zero-to-landfill at Xerox.

  • Educational, Involvement Game

      The Definition Game — Points of You

      An interactive meeting, conference or session game with an uncommon result—participants discover in a fun, yet mind-bending way how behavioral definitions alter lives, improve processes and influence habits, beliefs and business precedence.

Coming Soon

  • Behavioral Definition Impact Audits (available Fall, 2012)

    Identify hidden opportunities involving behavioral definitions in your organization. The direct experience of active Principals from current and past Open4Definition projects will provide this one of a kind onsite audit service.

  • Not-for-Profit Campaign and Project Implement Management (available 2013)

    We will provide a unique alternative. Outsource a marketing design or developmental project to us and capitalize on Open4Definition's broad capabilities of managing them with a volunteer workforce.

  • Open4Definition Incubators (available Winter, 2012)

    Applying a redefined model of a business incubator in a novel way, we will establish a virtual laboratory to run tests and conduct research on specific 'epochal' behavioral definition changing ideas. This will be an innovative service extension using our volunteer workforce.

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