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Why Get Involved?

Select reasons to participate (the ABC's & D's)!

Amplify your voice. Accentuate passions including yours. Act with others. Bend minds and your own. Better oneself. Become more far-sighted. Change the world. Change it in consequential ways. Change selectively. Define definitions. Define tomorrow. Make a Difference. Do it sapiently.

Open4Definition can transform passions, issues and concerns into a roadmap for improvement. Our proven process centers on unleashing the latent power of definitions in both an ingenious and orderly way.

Start from the Beginning

People can think with definitions; few think about definitions. Fewer still grasp their all-but-hidden promise, and exceedingly rare is the person or group who consciously improves the application of a definition to benefit the many (e.g., the application of a ‘secondhand smoke’ definition has enabled 3,000 municipalities, most U.S. states and sixteen countries to significantly reduce smoking). Open4Definition is clearly an audacious experiment.  Definitions that have occurred haphazardly may now potentially be improved systematically and with forethought.

Grasp the Illusive Obvious

Our objective is both practical and straightforward. We are focused entirely on achieving significant improvements through the application of definitions. Our approach is pragmatic, highly selective and at times even contentious; and it works. We leave the philosophy of words to others, everything for Open4Definition centers on how definitions can be employed to improve life, work and commerce.

Seize the Promise

We promise a mind-bending experience. Gain insight and know-how by helping uncover hidden opportunities within the application of all-too-often overlooked definitions. If, however, you also have a specific passion, we offer a roadmap.

Help Shape a New Way

Change starts with a new way of seeing things. It is that simple. Sapient definitions provide uncommon shortcuts for shaping a better world. This is how Open4Definition works. We provide a distinctive platform to enrich lives, improve processes and positively impact individual habits, beliefs, business precedence and the very foundational concepts of all that we do.

Gain Startling Insights

The frame through which we view the world can be a major influence on quality of life. How better to deal with your world or benefit a specific passion than to deliberately and systematically challenge the existing frame of (p)reference. A broad range of knowledge is the easiest way to cope with the inevitable difficulties that we face. That is one by-product that Open4Definiton offers its members. Get experience across a variety of fields and issues. Learn how to better think out-of-the-box. Gain an understanding of how definitions rely upon habits, beliefs and business precedence to capture an edge in all that you do.

Pursue a Passion

Already pursing a passion? Join a team or create one and identify specific definitions that impact your passion and then get help doing something about it.

Do It Together

Those that define today lead tomorrow. This is a community that will give back as much to its members as it asks of them. To charter or join one of our teams, Sign in to the member area, and select Project Membership from the Member Menu.

Define Today, Lead Tomorrow

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