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Original, quick and insightful Reader Digest-sized writings illustrating the power of definitions.

People think with definitions; few think about definitions and their all-but-hidden promise. Resources include original material along with supporting visuals to clarify how Members can both benefit and use definitions to open eyes!

Auto Autopilot Decision – MPG versus GPHM
(Laws; Codes; Mathematical; Scientific; Technical; Nature; Programs; Taxes)
Public policy decisions made based on a fixed and unchallengeable definition like America’s MPG fuel-economy standards illustrate an absence of both foresight and wisdom. U.S. Courts have to rely upon legal precedent even to the point of going back to Dr. Johnson’s original eighteen century English Dictionary to decide a case’s Constitutionality. The rest of America’s government, however, is free to apply new and improved definitions to enhance the effectiveness of their policies. The impact would be immense. Other definitions: MPG, GPHM, CAFE, emissions, efficiency, effectiveness, autopilot, taxes, Mini Van and SUV. — 1,300 words
BASKETBALL - Refereed by Definitions
(Sports; Rules; Games)
A story that illustrates the power of a single definition – the three-point shot - and how it dramatically altered the game of basketball. Can you think of another rule change that would so dramatically alter everything? Other definitions: basket, shot, free throw, referee, call, walking, foul, goal tending, technical, foul out and the Fosbury Flop. — 1,300 words
Ben Thinkin' - Defining ‘Sapient’
(Philosophical; Descriptions; Personal Norms; Daily Routines)
Open4Definition centers on identifying and implementing Sapient Definitions. This is a lexical definition, so Benjamin Franklin’s life is used to entertainingly describe and define sapient as the sum of its synonyms. This is a quick read about a true visionary. Enjoy. Other definitions: Gulf Stream, Franklin stove, lightening rod, bifocals, positive, negative, conductor and battery. — 1,000 words
Definitions and a Social Contract for the New Millennium
(Values; Behaviors; Social Norms; Practices)
The subtle role and significant influence of definitions are often overlooked in the shift of beliefs from one generation to the next. The author, an Oregon executive, believes that America’s latest generations are returning to many of the definitions set by the Founding Fathers. Other definitions: property, personal competency, Gen X, Millennials, scientific management, downsizing, outsourcing, KindExcellence and social contract. — 1,500 words
Far Two Few Birthdays
(Traditions; Conventions; Cultural Rituals; Customs)
Wouldn't it be fun to have two birthdays a year! Why not create an extra birthday for each of your loved ones. We are serious. A bonus birthday is a novel way to illustrate both Type I and II improvements in definitions. It is either a new definition or the creative application of an existing definition and that depends solely upon your interpretation. Other definitions: Unbirthday, leaplings, Hajri and Gregorian calendars. — 2,000 words
First Definitions Prevail - Father’s Day Observance in America
(Societal Practices; Legal; Traditions; Religious)
The powerful duo of habit and precedent can overshadow definitions. Changing Father’s Day to a Saturday in October illustrates a potential Type II improvement by altering the application of a firmly entrenched definition. Other definitions: Mother’s Day, Presidents Day, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day and Columbus Day. — 1,300 words
HealthCARING Accessible, Adoption Available
(Societal Practices; Health; Values; Behaviors; Conventions; Mores)
"Sparingly sprinkle" healthcaring and its associated behavioral definition healthcarer into writings, your thoughts and creative media to bring health and wellbeing to life—including yours. This article is from the Sept.-October, 2013 NPHIC* Newsletter. Three stories outline ongoing efforts to improve individual behavior and population health. They share a common plotline: a shorthand, inexpensive way to create widespread health behavior improvement. Each relies upon individual initiative, yet during a rollout, they also guide governmental action. That may be unexpected, like a tail wagging the dog. It is, nevertheless, explainable. — 770 words

* The National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) is the premier organization of state and federal public health communication officers in the United States and U.S. territories.
Second Place Wins the Race? Define Today, Lead Tomorrow
(Values; Duties; Relationships)
It takes a rare mind to define a strategy of excellence based on achieving "Second Place". Two Open4Definition members collaborate from common, yet different perspectives to reveal this intriguing definition. Matt (Boom) shares this story from his U. S. Marine Corps days through the lens of Reut who is also both a dedicated mother and an ex-officer in the Israeli Army. Bottom-line; they challenge America’s infatuation with all things First Place. Other definitions: First Place; excellence. — 600 words
The Ruling Class
(Political; Rules; Procedures; Contracts)
A story that illustrates the powerful affect that definitions had over the process of selecting the next U.S. President, Barack Obama. Can you think of another instance where a different set of rules and definitions could have so dramatically altered everything? Other definitions: ruling class, President, primary, Electoral College, laws, political party, rules, delegate, Democrat, Republican, Democratic Party, superdelegate and popular vote. — 1,000 words
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