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By Dr. David Kirschner
May 1, 2015

38 students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at The University of Evansville, a Midwest liberal arts university, partnered with Open4Definition to design and test competitive and cooperative trials using HealthCARER PASS-IT-ON Credits.

Divided into ten teams and two broad experiential conditions, the enthusiastic DPT students in Dr. Karyn Staples's C ommunity Health class achieved 10 community health objectives related to HealthCARING during the Fall 2014 semester. Student teams identified creative methods of sharing HealthCARER Credits, tapped healthcaring individuals and organizations to uncover bright spots and best practices, and collected interview data, survey results and, above all, exemplary HealthCARER stories. More than 600 HealthCARERs have been recognized with PASS-IT-ON Credits, and HealthCARERs have shared almost 1,000 inspiring stories.

Using data collected from the University of Evansville trial, we are in the process of redesigning the website and the PASS-IT-ON system, including incorporating social media to grow healthcaring communities.

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