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HealthCARER Team Trials Announced

By B. Helton
Jul 25, 2014

HealthCARING exploratory team trials are slated for Fall, 2014.

A Community Health class has partnered with Open4Definition to identify and recognize HealthCARERs across Evansville, Indiana and beyond. A HealthCARER is a healthcaring adherent while healthcaring denotes caring health and healthcare.

A dozen doctoral student teams from a Midwest Liberal Arts University known for community outreach and “experiential” activities will help design and test competitive yet cooperative trials. The overall project will identify, celebrate and spread a HealthCARER ethos across a range of organizations and social subcultures.

The trial teams will selectively involve outside organizations and a chain of HealthCARERs in an experimental way to gain an insider view into the state of today’s healthcare and core wellness environment at all levels. Participating HealthCARERs will also garner further recognition as they “pass-it-on” (in a currency-like circulation) to other equally deserving HealthCARERs.

Everyone—students, professors, HealthCARER participants and Open4Definition—will learn from the bright spots uncovered by pinpointing successful people, mindful organizations, healthier behaviors and efforts worthy of emulation. Rather than yet another classroom simulation, interview-intense routine or survey-based approach, this Community Health lab project will bring together firsthand experiences and perspectives of caring behaviors in health and across healthcare.   

Project design is underway, led by Dr. David Kirschner with technical backing by James Jones of JRAC, Inc. in Newnan, Georgia. Dr. Ric Chambers of A Better Way, likewise located in Newnan, and other volunteers are serving in advisory roles. More news to follow with ongoing project progress to be shared as the Fall, 2014 semester gets underway. 

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Note on Context: Every day more people become attuned to caring more about their health, wellness and healthcare delivery. They include mothers, notables and others, physical therapists, wellness advisors and most providers whom anyone would, if asked, call caring. As “obvious” HealthCARERs these people rely on an under-recognized characteristic that isn’t elusive, just underappreciated and inconclusive, until now: caring more than the norm, much more. As many, together the stories and insights of these HealthCARERs form a living mosaic of exemplary health, longevity and life practices—under-recognized, uncharted and unassailable.
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